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Are dietary supplements really safe

Are dietary supplements really safeAre you looking for a dietary supplement to make you faster, stronger, energetic or maybe even to lose weight? Many individuals strive to reach peak performance and turn to supplements which state “quick and easy,” are “right for everyone,” has a “secret formula,” or states that it is “used by millions.” Does this mean the supplement is safe? Not necessarily; dietary supplements are regulated differently than conventional foods and drugs by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA). Manufacturers are not required to prove a product is safe, or that it works before being sold. The FDA may only remove or restrict the sale of a supplement after it has proven to be unsafe. You may be surprised to find that many sports supplements and diet aids do not provide or lead up to their boastful claims. So be wise and watch for “too good to be true” claims. If you are interested in learning more about the use of supplements, their claims and are they right for you, please schedule an appointment with me at your convenience.

Carolyn Bell, RDN

Registered Dietitian Nutritionist
